#LRFest – Listening Room Festival 2021 Recap!

Showcase at the Mahaffey Theater, April 2022. Photos by Donna Green


Due to Covid, we were forced to explore outdoor spaces for our Listening Room Festival Showcase. Thankfully, we were able to rent the beautiful courtyard between the Mahaffey Theater and the Dali Museum.

This was a technical and financial challenge, as it was the first time we had to rent a stage, sound, and light in addition to the performance space. Our production choices worked out well, and Donna Green was able to capture some of our best pictures ever with this new setting.

We were also forced to scale down in terms of artists, selecting only TWO traveling acts instead of our usual 4 or 5. Joy Ike and Chris Trapper enjoyed enthusiastic audiences at house concerts as well as the showcase, and we were privileged to showcase local act Kristopher James as the opener for the showcase.

When we started LRFest in 2012, it felt like a moonshot. I wanted to create a gathering to celebrate house concerts, and to create a music showcase opportunity in the middle of a profitable tour. Most importantly, they build a base of friends, fans and potential gigs in Florida that will pay dividends for years to come.

As is the case with house concerts, the sweet, listening vibe and profitability are the obvious rewards that mask the more important developments of community and connection. On this front, each year, we see more hosts and fans travel to Tampa Bay area to attend shows and make new friendships. We see them cooperate for routing, lodging, and even for volunteer help at each other’s events. The festival community is creating a rich, cultural tapestry of music support in our region.

See you next year?

Will you apply as a performer
Will you host a show in Florida or the southeast?
Will you join your music tribe for a music vacation?

#LRFest – Listening Room Festival 2022 Recap!

Showcase at the Palladium Theater, March 25th 2022. Photos by Donna Green

As we approached our Tenth annual LRFest, we were still in uncertain times, with a significant portion of our community still concerned about Covid, vaccines, and Russian invasions to boot. Despite the jitters, we had a wonderful festival, and managed to please a fantastic group of performers – Danny Schmidt, Sam Robbins, Mare Wakefield & Nomad, and The Whispering Tree.

When we started LRFest in 2012, it felt like a moonshot. I wanted to create a gathering to celebrate house concerts, and to create a music showcase opportunity in the middle of a profitable tour. Most importantly, they build a base of friends, fans and potential gigs in Florida that will pay dividends for years to come.

As is the case with house concerts, the sweet, listening vibe and profitability are the obvious rewards that mask the more important developments of community and connection. On this front, each year, we see more hosts and fans travel to Tampa Bay area to attend shows and make new friendships. We see them cooperate for routing, lodging, and even for volunteer help at each other’s events. The festival community is creating a rich, cultural tapestry of music support in our region.

For me, the biggest thrill is the growing number of hosts and fans who travel to St. Petersburg for this event. They come from different cities, different states, and even different countries – to take in a music vacation filled with house concerts and time with their tribe. Thanks to Dani Goodband, Jim and DeBrenda Michienzi, and Alice Schaefer for making the trip this year!

We hope you’ll join us for this one-of-a-kind festival.

House Concert Photos from LRFest 2022. 

See you next year?

Will you apply as a performer
Will you host a show in Florida or the southeast?
Will you join your music tribe for a music vacation?