Don’t Support Live Music…

Relish it.

Savor it.

Share it.

Promote it.

Spend your day with it.


Of course, you should support live music. But that’s like saying you should eat. It’s not very inspiring.


For several years, I’ve been wondering why it always irks me to see “support live music,” and “support local this or that.” For some reason, support doesn’t inspire me. It’s like giving someone on the street some spare change and wondering if I’m actually helping their day or just getting them to another momentary fix.

I need to be inspired. I want to make a difference that is noticeable. I want to contribute more than a token, more than the ante, and more than the suggested donation.

  • Will $5 more be noticed by anyone but me? Maybe. Maybe not. But I’ll know it.
  • Will bringing 2-4 friends to the show make a difference? At a house concert… very likely!
  • Will learning a few choruses of the upcoming show make a difference? If I sit up front and sing or mouth the words… you can bet the artist will notice, and be thrilled.


Support live music if that’s all you are inspired to do. But here’s your opportunity to take it up a notch. See you at a show.